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Community Entry Services

Featured Client: Meet Patrick Dahlke

This May, we are delighted to introduce you to Patrick Dahlke. Patrick has been with us at CES Riverton since 2000 and began in Casper, Wyoming. He has been employed several times in Casper and has worked in Riverton in the community also. Some of those experiences were Riverton Livestock Auctions, Yardwork, Janitorial, Kmart, and Taco Johns. He is not currently employed due to his head injury located in the frontal lobe of his brain that affects his sense of smell and impulse control, so holding down a job for any period of time is very hard for him. He lives in an apartment in Riverton now and gets help with being as independent as possible. He navigates his community without staff in familiar settings and even walks with others like a ‘buddy system’. He also keeps busy during the day through the day program at RMRS. He is a delightful and helpful young man and we enjoy him alot.

What’s your favorite thing about CES?

CES over a long time has worked with me on having a reason to live. What helps me the most is helping people every day, even if it is a very small task. I like to feel appreciated and not used. Being here gives me a reason to get up and not be so depressed. I have a hard time sitting still and CES has figured out how to help ME BE ME without confronting me. I am able to walk when I need to and take care of tasks when I can.

What’s your favorite outing?

I like to go out to eat. Wendy's is my favorite place because by far, they have the best chicken nuggets!

What’s your favorite thing to do in the community?

I love to visit with people in Riverton. "I don't know any strangers" I love to go to church and help take care of the church. I go to two churches, Set Free Church and Church of the Valley. I know and visit a lot of people downtown and I like that I can go to places by myself, but I don't walk in the winter time. I like being able to go into places myself and buy items.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

CES helps me visit my family whenever I need to. My family is very important to me and they care about me alot. I like to find fun in everything and love to joke around with people.

Thank you so much to Patrick for sharing! If you’d like to make a donation that helps support our community members with Aquired Brain Injuries and Disabilities please visit

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