From now until September 15th, your donations to CES through the Community Foundation's Old Bill's Giving Portal will be partially matched!
Why Give to Community Entry Services?
23% of CES clients have no family to support them
38% of our clients need 24/7 care, 365 days a year
CES Jackson provides services for 33 clients
Our staff provides 86,190 hours of services to clients per year
State and Federal reimbursement is currently averages $51,000 per client, that rate is down from $68,000 in the 2000s
Are you interested in getting in on the fun? It is easy to donate! Go to oldbills.org, click "Donate through Old Bill's" and then click "Donate Online". You'll be brought to the donation page where you will need to fill out the information as shown below.
Event: Old Bill's
Field of Interest: Health and Human Services
Keyword: Community Entry Services

Then click submit. You will then need to scroll down and find Community Entry Services in the list you are brought to as shown below:

Click "Add to Cart", determine how much you wish to give, and make one tax-deductible donation for the total amount. Gifts of all sizes are appreciated and contribute to a large collective impact.
Your donations will help Community Entry Services raise our goal of $120,000 this giving season! In addition to rising costs for our staff and our clients, and ongoing state budget cuts, this year’s fundraiser will be the most important yet. 23% of CES clients have no family to support them. 38% of our clients need 24/7 care, 365 days a year. We rely on our staff to ensure our clients maintain their dignity and vitality.
Donate today at oldbills.org ❤️

Here are some awesome photos from this years Old Bill's Fun Run! Our team had a blast cheering on the runners and participating in this amazing community event. Thank you to everyone who came out to support CES!